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Thursday, 02.11.2023
03:00 pm - 04:00 pm

Wintergarten, Wiener Hofburg

Side Event: The Role of Young People in Humanising Clean Energy Transitions

The Fireside Chats session ‘’The Role of Young People in Humanising Clean Energy Transitions" is an engaging and informative discussion centered around the pivotal involvement of the younger generation in the transition to clean energy. This conversation provides a platform for experts and young leaders to exchange ideas, insights, and experiences, shedding light on the ways in which young individuals are driving innovation, advocating for sustainability, and catalyzing positive change in the clean energy sector. This fireside chat serves as an inspirational and educational forum, encouraging dialogue and collaboration to accelerate the global shift towards cleaner, more sustainable, and human-centric energy sources, all while harnessing the passion and vision of youth to shape a greener future. 


-) Mr. Nadejda Komendantova, IIASA

-) Mr. Ivo Wakounig, World Energy Council Austria

-) Mr. Josh Oxby, International Energy Agency

-) Mr. Hossein Hassani, IIASA (Moderator)


Venue: Wintergarten, Wiener Hofburg

Be aware: In order to participate you need to be registered for the International Vienna Energy and Climate Forum using the following link: 

Friday, 03.11.2023
09:45 am - 10:45 am

Geheime Ratstube, Wiener Hofburg

Side Event: Global Gateway – Green Financing as a Tool for Development

The Global Gateway is the EU’s initiative to mobilise private investments in (green) infrastructure in regions such as Africa or the Americas. Central to the Gateway are investments in energy infrastructure, such as electricity grids, industrial development, or hydrogen production. 

The aim of this event is to uncover the investment dynamics and considerations of Austrian stakeholders when it comes to financing under the Global Gateway programme. It also aims to understand Austrian stakeholders’ needs with regards to financing green energy infrastructure and how potential financing issues could be addressed. 


-) Mag. Michael Kainz, BMEIA

-) Mr. Hamead Ahrary, Verbund AG

-) Ms. Sabine Gaber, Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank AG


-) Moderator: Mr. Ivo Wakounig, Senior Advisor World Energy Council Austria


Venue: Geheime Ratstube, Wiener Hofburg

Be aware: In order to participate you need to be registered for the International Vienna Energy and Climate Forum using the following link: 

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