Welcome and Opening Remarks
Emil Brix, Director of the Vienna School of International Studies
Diane Schmitt, EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator
Dominique Hasler, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Education and Sports of the Principality of Liechtenstein
Ghada Fathi Waly, Director-General of the United Nations Office in Vienna (UNOV) and Executive Director of United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
Alexander Schallenberg, Minister for European and International Affairs
Keynote Speech
Malaika Oringo, Survivor, Founder and CEO of Footprint to Freedom, Amsterdam
Coffee Break
Panel Discussion: “Trafficking in Human Beings - a private matter?”
Kari Johnstone, OSCE Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combatting Human Trafficking
Maria Madalina Turza, Country Executive Director Justice and Care, Romania
Ulan Nogoibaev, Head of Secretariat, Migration and Human Trafficking Council under the Speaker of the Kyrgyz Republic Parliament
Ulrike Haberl-Schwarz, Chair of the Selection Panel for the establishment of the European Public Prosecutor's Office
Warner Ten Kate, National Coordinating Public Prosecutor for the trafficking in human beings and people smuggling at the National Office of the Public Presecutor of the Netherlands
Moderator: Wolfgang Spadinger, Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs
Discussion with the Audience
Lunch Break
Parallel Workshops held at the Vienna School of International Studies and Online
(1) Workshop: No way without a perspective.
Civil Society and Police together against trafficking in human beings. (German and English)
Criminal Intelligence Service Austria BK
(2) Workshop: Family as a safe place?
The role of parents between protection and exploitation (English)
End Child Prostitution, Child Pronography & Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes ECPAT Austria; Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Fundamental and Human Rights LBI
(3) Workshop: Male vulnerability and exploitation: "private failure" or social responsibility? (German)
Victim Protection Organization for Trafficked Men MEN VIA; International Organization for Migration IOM
(4) Workshop: Behind closed doors.
Risks of multiple forms of exploitation in private homes (English)
LEFÖ-Intervention Centre for Trafficked Women LEFÖ-IBF
Coffee Break
Presentations by Workshop Rapporteurs
Robert Klug, Deputy Head of Division on Migrant Smuggling, Human Trafficking and Special Investigations, BK
Astrid Winkler, Expert Safeguading & Measures against Child Trafficking ECPAT Austria
Manfred Buchner, Director MEN VIA
Sangeetha Manavalan-Thoppil, Director LEFÖ-IBF
Discussion of Workshop Outcome
Closing Remarks
Diane Schmitt, EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator
Antoaneta Vassileva, Frist Vice President of GRETA
Georg Stillfried, National Anti-Trafficking Coordinator and Head of the Austrian
Task Force on Combatting Human Trafficking
Snacks & Drinks
Movie Presentation "JOY"
JOY, an award-winning Austrian production, tells the story of a young Nigerian woman forced into prostitution in Vienna being caught in a vicious circle of human trafficking and sexual exploitation.
The works of Laurent Ziegler, an artist and survivor of human trafficking, will be exhibited during the conference.